About the Firm

Richard Rochlin Law Group, LLC is a full-service Family Law Firm. We have to be because Family Law is a lot more than working toward a divorce. It’s children, pets, homes, businesses, custody, alimony, college costs, relocation, counseling, business and estate planning, adoption, post-judgement matters, and more.

All family law issues are unique. Our office understands the uniqueness of your situation – no two clients are ever the same.

We understand the divorce experience will differ greatly from client to client for the simple reason clients come to us from widely divergent circumstances. Some are in the very early stages of contemplating a split with their spouse.  Some come to us reeling after being unexpectedly served a summons and complaint for divorce by their spouse.  Some may have an inkling that their spouse is considering dissolving the marriage and want to explore the legal implications in advance.

Sometimes, both spouses may have discussed and put off divorce for years – for a variety of reasons – and have finally decided that the time is right. And, every once in a while, someone comes to us because they have noticed changes with their spouse that are concerning and want to explore all their options before a crisis develops.

Different people in different situations with different needs and concerns. We are here to guide them toward the best solution for the best outcome.

The possibility of divorce conjures up many – many – thoughts, many of them conflicting, all of them intense:

“What will my life look like after divorce?”

“Will I get to keep the house?”

“How often will I see the kids?”

“Will I be happier?”

“What do I do while the case is pending?”

We consult with our clients through every stage of divorce while working with them to explore the different avenues available for divorce. We work through those questions one by one, as well as the new questions that will invariably pop up as the case proceeds.

We counsel people in selecting the divorce process that is best for them and their circumstances.  If you are the initiator, you may have the option of deciding how you want to go forward to work through your conflict. If not, we will work closely with you to develop your best response and best path moving forward.

We believe a non-adversarial approach to a marriage dissolution is often best for our clients and their families.

Rich, however, is not afraid of a fight if circumstances warrant one.  In that case, we are aggressive litigators when you need us to be.

More importantly, we have the experience, judgment, and temperament to know when aggressive tactics are best applied, and when they will be counterproductive and do little more than run up your costs, increase your anxiety, and harden the other side.

We keep an effective balance throughout the matter.

We know coming to a family law attorney is hard and you may feel emotionally overwhelmed and unprepared to make major decisions knowing those decisions will affect you and your family for years to come.

We’re here to guide clients – step by step – through every issue that must be addressed in divorce: property division, alimony and spousal support, child custody and visitation, and child support. We will carefully and compassionately explain each issue as they arise while developing strategies to meet your needs.

Finally, we will comprehensively explore all the possible outcomes with you.

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We are able to keenly understand the dynamics, perspectives, and values at the core of every matter.

We approach each new case with an empathetic client and family-focus, which is largely influenced by Rich’s cherished role as husband and father. Rich’s family values are inextricably intertwined with our practice and approach to resolving family disputes. 

New Form

12 N. Main Street
Suite 102
West Hartford, CT 06107

(860) 357-9158

437 Naubuc Avenue,
Suite 107
Glastonbury, CT 06033

(860) 357-9158

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