Is There Ever a Right Time for Divorce?

Divorce rates soared 34 percent during the coronavirus pandemic. Perhaps stay-at-home orders, like the one we had in Connecticut, revealed the fragilities of some relationships, leading to a surge of marriage break-ups. For many divorcing couples, the pandemic exposed vulnerabilities in their marriage — arguments, tension, incompatibility, and more. Perhaps you feel the same. Perhaps it’s time for you to pull the trigger on divorce. But when’s the right time?

The truth is, there’s no “right” time for a divorce. Many couples wait, hoping things will improve, but this doesn’t always happen. Some people are just not meant to be together anymore. It’s a sad thing to think about, but it’s the truth. There are many warning signs for divorce, which we outline below. If you are going through any of these, you might want to contact a reliable divorce attorney in Connecticut and explore your options.

Lack of Intimacy

While a lack of intimacy doesn’t have to signal the end of a marriage, it could lead to other problems, such as loneliness and resentment, which are common triggers for divorce.

Mental Health

If you (or your partner) are experiencing a mental health problem, it could take a toll on your marriage. It’s important to know there’s always professional help out there, no matter what you’re going through.


Arguments are normal for many couples, but if you and your partner disagree on everything and your arguments are becoming unhealthy, it could be time to think about the future of your relationship. Arguing in front of your children, in particular, leads to problems.

Your Children are Unhappy

Arguments and tension in a marriage can have a profound effect on your children. Research shows that marital fights, for example, compromise a child’s sense of security and cause insecurities. Remember, a child living in an unhappy household is far worse off than a child living in two households.

What Happens Next?

Once you have decided to divorce, it’s time to explore your options. Some people in Connecticut think that divorce is a long process that takes place in the courts, but this isn’t always the case. Sure, you can go down this route if you want to, and, with the help of a qualified divorce attorney, you can achieve the outcome you want. However, there are alternatives to “traditional” divorce that you should discuss with an attorney. These alternatives include:

  • Mediation
  • Collaboration/collaborative divorce


Talking to a Connecticut lawyer is important because there are so many factors to divorce, especially if you have children, such as:

Final Word

While there’s no right time to divorce, leaving things for any longer could make your life worse. If you are unhappy with your marriage, and you have exhausted other options, it could be time to end your relationship for good. Talking to a divorce attorney about your options provides you with peace of mind at this difficult time.

Contact an award-winning Connecticut divorce attorney today. Call (860) 357-9158 or click here for more information

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We approach each new case with an empathetic client and family-focus, which is largely influenced by Rich’s cherished role as husband and father. Rich’s family values are inextricably intertwined with our practice and approach to resolving family disputes. 

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Suite 102
West Hartford, CT 06107

(860) 357-9158

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Glastonbury, CT 06033

(860) 357-9158

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